While we’re wrapping up and finish post-conference activities, we have collected a few numbers regarding the conference:
Don’t forget to leave your feedback on the wiki to make next year’s GUADEC a success.
]]>In our view this is an indication of how friendly and open the GNOME community is overall. It was great to see this welcoming community gathering at GUADEC once again and we hope to see everyone again at future events!
Should you have experienced or observed misbehaviour but have not yet reported it then please get into contact with a support team member or the organizers. It is still important to know about it as it helps understand whether adjustments need to be made in the future.
]]>Today, we have our second keynote held by Werner Koch. He will talk about issues of centralisation. The interesting hypothesis is that most systems on the Internet wouldn’t work “without access to, say, apis.google.com”. You might know Werner from GnuPG which tries to decentralise as many things as possible. We are sure to find as much inspiration from what he has to say as we had from Bradley two days ago.
If will be difficult to pick talks to attend today. Highlights include “a live coding session with GNOME Builder” which will demonstrate how to create a project from scratch, Also, we will see a “summary of the infrastructure that GNOME provides to store secrets like passwords, SSH and GPG keys, and X.509 certificates” which will discuss how cross-platform compatibility can be improved. Another talk in the schedule is on the Chinese government recommending the use of GNU/Linux as well as how user testing works to implement and refine a feature in actual software.
We conclude our core days with an evening event at Hoepfner’s Burghof. It’s a beer garden of the local brewery with nice beer and dinner. We expect to start at 20:00. Please bring your badge.
If you want to do some tourism or dining before leaving GUADEC, you might find these places interesting:
Today, GUADEC starts into day 3 with more talks and, probably more importantly, more ice-cream. Read on to learn about the details.
Todays schedule hosts a diverse set of talks including a talk on Meson, which is an exciting new build system which promises to make building your software nicer and faster. So everybody who is not happy with the current state of the art will be interested in seeing that. We will also hear a talk on using GNOME technologies to build an automotive platform which will certainly be interesting to everyone who is interested in seeing Free Software being used in real life. The talk will discuss “Apertis, [a] truly a unique product in the automotive world” including its security properties and links to flatpak.
We also have a surprise for our guests! We will have a vintage ice cream van coming to serve three different flavours of ice cream. We hope that you’ll have enough time and a sweet enough tooth to finish what is being offered :) The van will be available from 13:30 until 15:00 or so, so make sure you’ll be there or be square.
In the evening we are going to z10, a pub run by students for over 30 years now. You should have received some tokens with your badge which should get you a free beer. The place will be open until late. Don’t expect food to be available.
If you want to go out eating or fancy to do something entirely different, have a look at the following options:
Today GUADEC starts day 2 with the core days which feature talks of a wide range of topics.
Today, the first day of our talk days begins. We will be seeing an interesting keynote held by Bradley Kuhn. He will talk about “Why GNOME remains best poised to deliver software freedom to everyone, how GNOME continues to be the best welcome-mat for those who want software freedom, and why GNOME remains absolutely essential to the advancement of software freedom for decades to come”. We are very excited to have Bradley talking to us and we expect it to be influencing the discussions held in the hallways over the rest of the conference.
The conference program has other highlights, too. We will hear about WebKit security issues which are not patched by major distributions. The talk will discuss how WebKit handles security issues and how it’s different from GNU/Linux distributions. We will have a talk on Free Web Services which promises to discuss questions like “How much control do you still have? Do you know what is happening to your data? Do you have the freedom to switch to a different service?”.
In case of serious events you need to call the European emergency number 112. If you are in trouble or seeking assistance regarding GUADEC, we have a help line set up which should cover you: dial +4915153778790.
In the evening, we plan on going to have a picnic in the Fasanengarten, just north of the venue. Starting from 19:30ish, we will set up some light food (think: Sandwiches, salads) and some non-alcoholic drinks. We will bring a frisbee, football, and probably some other things to play around with. Feel free to bring your own equipment.
If you want to head on to something else, have a look at:
In the “package you app with Flatpak” workshop the attendees will learn about the Flatpak containerisation system. The GStreamer workshop will be about building a simple media player in Python using the GStreamer framework. Attendees of the “Contributing to Free Software” workshop will learn about basic git usage, code review and continuous integration. The last workshop, “Make your first contribution to GNOME” will cover retrieving and building the code, looking at bugs, updating the code and finally submitting the change.
We have assembled some travel information for your convenience and some more general information which you might find helpful. If all fails or you need assistance, dial the GUADEC helpline: +4915153778790.
After the workshops have finished, we are inviting the conference attendees to a pre-registration BBQ at AKK starting at around 20:00. The AKK is an almost 30 years old organisation dedicated to spreading culture and facilitating communication. The AKK is supporting GUADEC with a lot of infrastructure and tooling.
During that BBQ we try to hand out as many badges as we can to make the registration on the following day less stressful for everybody involved. So please try to come to the BBQ and bear with us while we shake out remaining bugs. As compensation, we’re offering a few steaks. Drinks are to be bought cheaply from AKK.
Another reason why we want you to be around is that we will be needing volunteers for building up the main venue.
If you can’t attend or fancy eating out, check out the following places:
]]>Am 21.09.2016 wird das nächste GNOME Release (3.22) unter dem Namen “Karlsruhe” erscheinen. Genannt wird ein GNOME Release nach dem letzten Austrageort der GUADEC (GNOME Users And Developers European Conference). Während dieser Konferenz treffen sich jährlich zirka 200 Freie-Software-Enthusiasten zu Workshops, Vorträgen und Arbeitsgruppentreffen und arbeiten an GNOME, der Software-Lösung für alle. Dieses Jahr findet das Treffen vom 11.08. bis zum 17.08. am KIT in Karlsruhe statt.
Die Veranstaltung richtet sich sowohl an Entwickler als auch an Nutzer, und soll dazu dienen, Wissen zu erzeugen und weiter zu leiten. Wir freuen uns, die diesjährige GUADEC in Karlsruhe zu veranstalten. Karlsruhe steht für uns für einen starken wissenschaftlichen und technischen Hintergrund verbunden mit dem gewissen Etwas an Kreativität und Design. Diese Verbindung zwischen Technik und Design passt sehr gut zu dem GNOME Projekt, welches nicht nur auf technischer Seite seit Jahren neue Standards fördert, sondern auch im Bereich des User-Experience-Design innovative Wege geht.
GNOME, die Stiftung mit dem Fuß als Logo, steht für 3 Kernpunkte:
GNOME vereint nicht nur freiwillige und bezahlte Programmierer, sondern auch Firmen und wohltätige Organisationen. Wir machen GNOME 3, ein Computersystem das einfach zu benutzen ist, in über 190 Sprachen übersetzt wurde und großen Wert auf Behindertengerechtigkeit legt. Wir entwickeln in der Öffentlichkeit und jeder kann bei GNOME mitmachen. Unsere Kommunikationskanäle stehen allen offen, der Quellcode kann frei heruntergeladen, modifiziert und weitergegeben werden.
GNOME ist eine flexible und mächtige Plattform für Desktop- und mobile Anwendungen. Wir entwickeln Toolkits wie GTK+ oder Clutter, die Webbrowser Engine WebKitGTK+, TMMultimedia-Bibliotheken wie GStreamer, das D-Bus messaging system, oder die Pango Textrendering-Bibliothek. GNOME Entwickler gehen auch weiter und modifizieren essentielle Kern-Infrastruktur wie den Linux Kernel, systemd oder Wayland.
GNOME 3 kann über viele bekannte GNU/Linux-Distributionen wie Debian, Fedora, OpenSuSE oder Ubuntu bezogen werden. GNOME Technologien sind der Treiber vieler Firmen wie Endless Mobile, Amazon, TiVo, Nokia, TouchTune, Garmin oder TomTom. Viele andere Firmen benutzen GNOME Komponenten kostenfrei im Rahmen der Freien Lizenz unserer Software.
Wir laden gerne zu einem Treffen oder Interview während unserer Konferenz ein. Bei Fragen steht Tobias Mueller (tobi@guadec.org oder +4915153778790) gerne zur Verfügung.
Mehr Informationen über die GUADEC und GNOME gibt es unter: http://2016.guadec.org
]]>You’ve probably been expecting the list of talks and we’re happy to be able to deliver. Please head over to the schedule page for more information. You can even install an app and load the schedule file so that you can bookmark talks and get reminders.
We are also excited to be able to present you our two keynotes.
We will have Bradley Kuhn from Software Freedom Conservancy talk about the future of the (Free) desktop. Bradley is probably most known for his GPL enforcement work.
This keynote will discuss why GNOME remains best poised to deliver software freedom to everyone, how GNOME continues to be the best welcome-mat for those who want software freedom, and why GNOME remains absolutely essential to the advancement of software freedom for decades to come.
We also have Werner Koch from g10code talk about our freedom when we engange in centralisation. Werner is hacking on GnuPG, the software that uses strong cryptography to ensure that people can communiate freely. It’s been around for almost twenty years now and so has Werner.
The Internet still looks like a collection of many computers but in reality most system do not anymore work without access to, say, apis.google.com. Unfortunately desktop environments moved in the same direction.
Do we really want to rely on other peoples machines?
Continue reading the abstracts on the keynotes page.
Oh, and bring some swimming gear to relax in the pool between the talks!
]]>We have great news for employees wanting to attend GAUDEC: GUADEC is recognised as an event for “educational leave” in certain German states. That means, depending on where you are employed. that you are entitled to paid leave to attend GUADEC. Because the details vary quite a bit due to Germany being federated, please approach us if you are interested in taking educational leave.
Wir haben gute Nachrichten für Angestellte, die auf die GUADEC kommen möchten: GUADEC ist eine anerkannte Bildungsurlaubveranstaltung. In machen Bundesländern heißt das “Bildungsfreistellung”. Momentan ist die GUADEC in folgenden Ländern anerkannt:
Solltest Du Interesse an der Bildungsfreistellung haben, melde dich bei uns.
]]>Hi Michael, can you briefly explain to us what makes you sponsor GNOME events over and over again?
CS2C and GNOME China have been cooperating for more than 7 years. We believe GNOME has a very steady and trustworthy desktop environment. As our company grows, we hope to have closer connection with the Free Software community. I used to be the Chairman of GNOME Beijing team and I am the initiator of this cooperation . I am very familiar with the GNOME community, so it is my preferred partner. Sponsoring GNOME is the first step, we hope to participate in more activities, so as to learn more about the rules and get more opportunity chances in the future.
We are very grateful for that. But what your company actually doing and how does it relate to the GNOME project?
CS2C is the largest Linux enterprise in China. We have been developing Linux-based operating systems since 2000. In the beginning, our desktop supported both a GNOME as well as a KDE environment. Later GNOME became our exclusive choice. After using GNOME in our desktop and server products for 16 years, we have already come up with our own ways of customizing GNOME to cater for our Chinese customers. Our products, which generate annual sales in more than 2 million, have been deployed in many Chinese governments and industries in various domains such as education, medical, and transportation.
How hard is it to market the values of Free Software to your customers and what strategies do you have to do so?
In China, we usually name it “open source software” instead of “Free Software” :-) Chinese open source software was originally represented by Linux. Before 2012, the most difficult problem is how to get our customers to know the open source software including its merits and faults. Since then, Chinese market environment has changed, as most IT users became familiar with the software after our promotion. We will prove that open source cannot only replace Windows, but also be safer and meet the environment of big data and cloud computing. What’s more, we will provide the users in various industries with more customized solutions.
What do you think could GNOME do to make it more attractive for people and companies in China to use Free Software?
Actually, I am also wondering about this question. GNOME gets a even cooler interface design which changes a lot. However, Chinese users are not used to the new design, while they prefer the old one. We modified GNOME 2 to a Windows-like version for the sake of our customers’ habits. The results are satisfying. As far as I know, open source software and business software are both for problem solving, so we didn’t blindly pursue the advanced technologies (we believe open source community did well on this), but paid more attention to the requirement of our users. In addition to the optimization of the interface, we also customized GNOME for the elderly and the medical industry etc., and the simple desktop environment is more user-friendly. Therefore, we won the trust of our customers.
Questions were asked by Tobias Mueller of the local organising team. If you or your organising would also like to sponsor this year’s GUADEC, visit our sponsors page or get in touch via email: sponsors@guadec.org.